On Saturday, November 2 the Nordic Ski Club will be working with the Friends of Lapham Peak to get the ski trails ready for winter as well as other projects at the park.
Stay for a hearty lunch of chili at noon. Contact Rita at rkeber@milwpc.com by Tuesday, October 29th if you can attend so we can plan for food accordingly.
Meet at the maintenance building which is the first left after the entrance office at 9 am. Plans include fall clearing and trail maintenance as well as cleaning the Butterfly Garden. Wear sturdy boots and bring gloves. For the Butterfly Garden bring a leave rake, tarp, lopper and a cordless weed trimmer if you have one. For other trail clearing bring a shovel, garden rake and lopper. Some tools will be provided.
Directions: To get to Lapham Peak, go west on I-94 and take the Delafield, Cty Hwy C exit. Proceed south for one mile on Cty C, the park entrance is on the left (east) side of Hwy C. A state park sticker is needed for your vehicle to enter the park. A daily park sticker costs $8.